Saturday, August 30, 2014

Carvers Gap

Another day of perfect weather. So we drove back to Roan Mtn SP, and kept driving all the way through it. 15 mins south of it we hit Carvers Gap.

First thing, one must drive to the top and see where the old Cloudland Hotel is (meh), and then do the 0.5 mile hike through a beautiful old-growth forest to get to the Roan High Bluff overlook.

Then drive back 2 mins to the Carvers Gap parking lot. From here it's a short half-mile hike to Round Bald.

All of the balds are fairly popular, so it's worth hiking another mile to Jane's Bald (the best) to get a little more privacy.

These Tennessee balds are starting to become not-bald. Climate change is affecting the otherwise naturally low growth on these mountaintops. In order to keep these balds in their previous state, and preserve their ecosystem of flora and fauna, numerous methods are being tried; including goat herding.

The weather was perfect, so we hiked on to the next Grassy Ridge overlook too.
Don't worry, the hike back down is always easier and faster.

Oh, and don't forget to practice: Leave No Trace (of blueberries... ;)

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