Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Arrival in Savannah

Yay!  We're finally here!

The Gryphon Tea Room was opulent and quite tasty, although extremely expensive, and not very vegetarian friendly.  Service was very friendly and polite.

Parking in Savannah's historic downtown was easy presumably since December is the off season.  Although Savannah traffic planners are careless about posting traffic signs for anything (including Stop!)

The Thunderbird hotel was quite disappointing.  Fair value for a budget hotel, but very dishonest about everything.  Better to get a hotel a little farther out, since you'll still have to drive everywhere anyway.

Dinner at Aroy Jung was wonderful.  Excellent light Thai fare.  Very veggie friendly, as most Thai tends to be.  We later found out that this is one of the few reasonably-priced restaurants in the Historic Downtown area.

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