Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We've arrived!  (finally)
A mix-up with a bus driver sent us 30 minutes in the wrong direction, but two other polite (and competent) drivers later and we got it all sorted.

Our hotel, Ten Hill Place, looks good at first sight.  We knew the "king bed" room we'd reserved was actually an American-sized queen, so no surprises there.  Otherwise, the modern decor works fine.  The WiFi actually works well too, which is a hard find for us in the UK so far.

The Holy Grail!  Our quest for the perfect faucet is complete.  A truly one-handed working faucet!  (This is an extremely rare find in the wild in the UK.)

And a shower fit for use by a homo sapien with opposable thumbs:

The only oddity with all this modern decor is that the bathroom door is completely clear glass, so that, coupled with the placement of the standard wall mirror, leaves privacy a little lacking...

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